Current Research Grants

Principal Investigator. (funding period: October 2018 – September 2023). Hispanic Serving Institutions: STEM Transitions, Experiences, and Mobility (HSI-STEM). National Science Foundation (NSF DUE-1644990). Amount: $1,631,302.

Principal Investigator. (funding period: September 2016 – February 2019). EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS: Settings Yielding Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math Success (ED-SYSTEMS). National Science Foundation (NSF DUE-1644990). Amount: $323,039.

Co-Principal Investigator. (funding period: July 2018 – June 2021). Understanding & Removing Barriers for the Adoption & Implementation of Proven Interventions. National Science Foundation (NSF). [Dustin Thoman (PI), SDSU & Jessi Smith (Co-PI), UCCS]. Amount: $1,249,830.

Co-Investigator/Lead STEM Education Researcher/Mentor. (October 2019 – September 2021). Influential Networks: Women of Color in STEM Community College Pathways. National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant. [Melo Yap (PI), SDSU] Amount: $349,997